What Are Landing Pages?
Landing Pages are the first pages that appear when you click a link. This means a landing page could be any page such as a blog post, your home page, a lead capture page, a product page, and so on.
While this definition appears simple, when referring to landing pages in digital marketing, we are talking about a page tactically designated to accept and convert traffic from a digital marketing campaign. This implies that your website home page doesn't qualify to be called a landing page if certain factors are not taken into consideration, as far as online marketing is concerned. A website home page might be designed to receive traffic but is not made to convert traffic.
Why Do You Need Landing Pages?
Developing a brand and building a website is an important part of any business, but you need landing pages waiting to welcome your customers for all that work to lead to sales. In fact, landing pages are one of the most productive lead conversion tools.
Using a landing page is an excellent idea to convert traffic, enhance your SEO, and develop your brand. It can also help in your Pay Per Click (PPC) strategy. Landing pages allow you to direct your customers to a particular product, service, or proposal while encouraging them to make a move. It is an excellent opportunity to generate conversions and grow your customer base.
Landing pages are also the starting point of the customer journey. It’s important to map out the full customer journey beforehand and incorporate it into the landing page to fully immerse the visitor and guide them through the marketing funnel. Think of it as the page where they land and embark on a journey with your brand.

How Can You Tell If Landing Page Is Good?
Keeping in mind that your homepage shouldn’t serve as your landing page, it’s important to create a page that is specifically designed to ‘close the deal,’ and the attributes of such a page are:
Focus on the offer and not the brand: People didn't click your link to hear how fantastic your brand is. They want to see what your title tag and meta description promises and denying them that promise in terms of the products or services they’re looking for.
Focused without distractions: Your landing page is dedicated to pitching your offer, so you should leave it that way. There should be no ads or any other form of distraction.
Speak to a predetermined audience: The landing page has to speak to a targeted audience. This a basic marketing technique that makes the offer personalised for each customer.
You can think of landing pages as that super confident sales rep that flashes a big smile and hits a product selling point in seconds. A landing page gets the ultimate attention of customers by avoiding distractions like other regular web pages. One landing page can make all the difference in your sales level.

Want to really make your landing page or website work for you? Get started. Or, If you have a project in mind, set up a meeting with a member of our team.
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