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How to keep customers on your website? We can help

Many companies believe that an effective customer loyalty campaign is behind new banner ads or discount programs offered every three months.

Today's customer loyalty is on the decline; it is increasingly difficult to earn and maintain it because consumers today have access to more and more information. It is incredibly easy to find a cheaper alternative, a special discount coupon, or a new product that promises users to perform the activities they seek a little better. For e-commerce stores or websites owners in general, retaining the customer is very challenging. Today more than ever and it will be more and more in the future.

Often the budget spent on marketing focuses on acquiring new customers; we rarely see awareness of having to invest an essential part of resources even in retaining those new ones.

The latest statistics show an increase in customer retention costs and a decline in web-app and mobile app users' loyalty rates. Improving or even maintaining customer loyalty can seem increasingly tricky then. What many businesses are forgetting are the basics of what leads to belief. It's always about going back to the foundations. 

In order to keep customers longer, your website should be highly converting, User Interface friendly and properly optimized. 

Here are solutions to retain customers of your website

Keeping customers longer on your website entails your content needs to be able to convey what it says it will. Trust is efficient in keeping your customers longer on your website and as such, do not promise what you cannot do. 

Another way to keep your customers on your website for long is by ensuring your website has a user-friendly interface and easy-to-navigate pages.

Another way to keep your customers on your website for long is by creating easy to read content. The attention span of readers in this technology age has reduced and people only scan through content now in order to pick out important information.

Make sure your content is short and straight to the point; make it readable by enlarging fonts and line spacing, this way, it gets more engagement.

Add bullet points to your content, makes it more engaging, and engagement makes customers stay longer.

Another interesting way to make customers stay longer on your website is by using strong headlines, customers are attracted to headlines that stand out and it makes them curious to want to find out more. 

Always stay close to your users, especially at the beginning - One of the most effective solutions to converting visitors to your site is to allow them to offer them free gifts on your website when they come to your website.

Ensure you put a call-to-action on your website (CTA), this has proven to keep customers on your website for long or stay in touch via newsletters.

At Magnetic London, we have a global talent pool and have worked with international brands, and are confident in what we offer. 

Need help creating a website that works? Get started.

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