What we did

Key visuals / print ads
We designed two adverts for the campaign. The first was centered around Chinese New Year and the second was centred around Chinese cuisine. The adverts were designed in three languages, English, German and Dutch, and were also used as tube adverts.

identity design
The campaign identity was created in line with Kung Fu Panda designs. The typeface reflected the bold appearance of pandas and incorporated large round shapes. A similar style was adopted in the logo design, which used black and white colours and bamboo leaves.

Social posts
Magnetic also developed the social media posts for the whole campaign, which included both copywriting and design.

Web design
A fully-responsive, dynamic and modern website was designed in line with the typefaces and colour palettes of the brand identity.

Magnetic created all aspects of the campaign, from campaign identity and logo design to social media posts and promotional material.
Campaign identity design
Let's Panda!
The campaign identity was created in line with Kung Fu Panda themes. The typeface reflected the bold nature of pandas and incorporated large round shapes. A similar style was adopted in the logo design, which used black and white colours and bamboo leaves to reflect an animalistic nature.

Key visuals
/ print ads
We designed two adverts for the campaign. The first was centered around Chinese New Year, and included red, white and yellow colours and appropriate imagery such as decorations and fortune-related shapes.
The theme for the second advert was Chinese cuisine. It included traditional elements of the Chinese eating culture such as dumplings and steamers, and featured an authentic hand-made paper background.

Other applications
Other promotional material designed included an apron, lantern, merchandising unit and banner. All of which were consistent with the colours and imagery of the brand identity.

Web design
A fully-responsive, dynamic and modern website was designed in line with the typefaces and colour palettes of the brand identity.

Social posts
Magnetic also developed the social media posts for the whole campaign, which included both copywriting and design.